Meaning High risk food
What does High risk food mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word High risk food. You can also add a definition of High risk food yourself


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High risk food

A food or product that has come from an animal and which carries the bacteria that has been in the animal.
Another meaning is that they may have been handled incorrectly whilst being prepared, especially foods from restaurants chefs need to be extra careful when preparing meat, dairy, eggs, poultry, gravy's, lobster, marrons, shellfish etc, scotch eggs, ready prepared salad, rice (is an extremely harmful food if not cooked correctly)
Danielle - 29 November 2021


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High risk food

Food which supports the growth of harmful and potentially harmful microorganisms and which will not be subjected to any further heat treatment or processing which would remove or destroy such microorganisms, prior to consumption. Ready-to-eat foods are high-risk foods.
Source: (offline)


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High risk food

Food which supports the growth of harmful and potentially harmful microorganisms and which will not be subjected to any further heat treatment or processing which would remove or destroy such microorg [..]

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